Preoperative: You will see Dr. Beran the morning of your Breast Augmentation surgery. He will sit with you and review your choice of implant size, incision location, and type of implant one last time. Photos will be taken at that time. In addition, you will meet our anesthesiologist who will answer your concerns and questions about anesthesia. After you are certain of your decision, you will sign a surgical consent and be brought into the operating room. Your companion(s) will be escorted to the waiting room or directed to the cafeteria in our building. You do not need to have someone waiting with you.
Surgery: One of our nurses will drape a warm blanket over your shoulders (operating rooms are always cold) and escort you into the operating room. Our anesthesiologist will check your IV and you will go to sleep. The surgery itself will take between 30 and 45 minutes. You will be given a long-acting local anesthetic while you are asleep (like Novacaine) that will last about 12 hours. When the surgery is done, you will awaken with a bra, a strap, or just a simple dressing.
Recovery room: You will spend some time in the recovery room. Usually an hour or so. Your companion will be able to sit with you at this time. When you have recovered, we will review your discharge instructions and bring you to your car.
The first night: You should rest at home. You may be a little sore and will certainly feel a little “out of it” for the first night. Most patients tell us that the discomfort feels like a work-out soreness. Dr. Beran will call to check on you. Our surgery center will call you the day after surgery to check on you as well. You may remove the gauze over your incision and shower 48 hours after surgery.
First postoperative visit: Your first visit after surgery will be about 5-6 days after surgery. Dr. Beran will check your incisions and review your care. All sutures are dissolvable and no stitches need to be removed. You may be instructed to wear a bra, a superior compression strap, or both.
Second visit You will return to the office about 2-3 weeks after surgery and Dr. Beran will instruct you on massage to keep your breasts moving within the pockets. This will help keep the implants soft. You may resume most normal activities. You are not allowed to do push-ups or other pectoral work for at least six months. Dr. Beran will examine the feeling and location of your implants.